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Welcome to Nemo SA - Marcel Durler's page:
Founded by: Marcel Durler on 14th February 2010.
Network in Motion Social Awareness South Africa is an e-Networking business that incorporates NPOs and businesses linked together to build a brand with the vision of Unity in Communities.
It creates jobs and gives exposure to its associates. It has been established to make a positive change or difference in South Africa leveraging off various Social Media platforms and websites to give exposure to those who network through us and to those who have not had the chance or opportunity to become part of the electronic era. If we encounter a person/ organisation that is doing good in a community but is not registered e.g. a soup kitchen, our Business Associates (BA) can create a free listing and website and put them into a category and give them exposure through the network with the aim that another business/ organisation may offer to adopt them and provide donations to help and empower them.
The Business Network Category and the other categories will give valuable exposure through our database. In exchange for our e-networking services, we are remunerated and a portion of the remuneration goes back into various NPO organisations of our choice. This amounts to 10% of our income.
Marcel Durler lost his business and millions of rand’s during the recession at the end of 2009/ beginning 2010. Nemo SA was birthed through a humble experience of being taken to his knees.
Thanks: Marcel is ever thankful and is constantly reminded of a good friend Mr Edward Beeka who helped him during this difficult and challenging time. Edward has always believed in Marcel’s vision for Nemo SA – ‘Unity in Communities’. Edward was the first sponsor for Nemo SA since inception. He is the Owner of Red Security and Pro Events.
NEMO SA – Network in Motion South Africa / Network in Motion Social Awareness
Dynamic Interactive Online Directory
Essence: e – Networking (electronic interactive online networking directory for Business and Social Awareness)
Vision: The interactive online directory listing will give online convenience, marketing, advertising and social awareness exposure through our network. The platform will consist of individuals, organisations and business who will encourage referring business to one another and who will encourage social awareness thus making a positive impact into our communities.
Our Mission: To connect with like minded people who want to encourage hope for those who are less fortunate. To give back resources, time and invest positively into our communities and children through the NEMO SA platform and our Social Awareness projects.
E.g. our School Project: http://nemosa.co.za/uploads/business_page/pdf_file/188/OUR_YOUTH__Eie_web_format.pdf
Networking:Members should try and refer business and network with one another.
Selling Advertising links on our Website Categories and Front Page
Sponsors / Donors (100% to SA projects)
e - Competitions to raise funds.
Social Awareness: 10% Percentage of money raised through our own business will be given to Social Awareness through our NPC.
How to join and sign up: http://nemosa.co.za/users/sign_up Create your mini profile by clicking the link and fill in the prompts then press save at the bottom and wait until it updates or alternatively send us a mail.
For More info send a mail to info@nemosa.co.za
Or visit
Business: www.nemosa.co.za www.nemosa.com
Social Awareness: www.nemosa.org www.nemosa.org.za
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