- Is it free to sign up?
Yes! Nemo South Africa does not require our clients to pay a registration fee when signing up/in, not even when creating Nemo South Africa as your home page by clicking on the small "House" icon, on the top left hand side of the page.
- What business details are required?
Our service detailed form will ask for all relevant details needed. When registering and signing up or when wanting to create a listing, all fields with the (*) allocated next to it is compulsary.
- Are there any restrictions on what kind or type of listings or adverts that you will accept for the local database and listings service?
Yes, there are... This service is for South African business owners only, until our international services are fully functioning. We do NOT accept adult entertainment and controversial businesses. Additionally, the business does not have to have a physical address and valid phone number, but it is advised that you have contact details in order for clients to contact you.
Nemo South Africa reserves the right to conduct business with only those parties that they deem fit and to refuse service to anyone for rude and obnoxious behavior, misrepresentations of any kind, violations of general internet policies such as spam and/or continual customer complaints for products and/or services offered.
Does this local database submission service also submit my website URL into the service engines as well?
Will I recieve a bunk of junk emails as a result of these local database listings and submissions?
No. On the sign up form, we ask you for a contact email address.
The contact email address is the one that we use to communicate with you. That email address is never given out to anyone else.