Claire Campbell
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About Starfish for Sofia
Starfish for Sofia was created by Sofia’s mommy Claire. Sofia passed away on 20 December 2014 by drowning, just after her 2nd birthday. As a result, shortly after her death and following the numerous news reports of children of a similar age drowning over the festive season, Sofia’s mommy decided that she wanted to start a charity organisation in Sofia’s memory to prevent other families from going through the unbearable pain that she is experiencing right now.
The aim of Starfish for Sofia is to raise funds and connect with swimming instructors across South Africa, to send underprivileged children under the age of 3 years countrywide for survival swimming classes. These classes last about 6 to 8 weeks, in which babies and toddlers learn to turn over and float on their backs with their arms and legs outstretched (like a starfish) when they fall into a body of water and stay relaxed in that position until somebody can come and rescue them. Sofia’s mommy never had the time or finances to send Sofia for these classes, and she firmly believes that if she had, Sofia might have had a chance of survival. Sofia’s mommy also feels that if she can prevent just one family from experiencing what she is currently going through, then she will have honoured her baby girl's memory. Starfish for Sofia is in the process of being formed (NPC registrations, tax exemptions, business bank accounts, finding premises, employing a personnel team to handle the admin and so on). Please see our other tabs for more details.