Marcel Jean Durler - Unity & Social Awareness
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ESSENCE AND VISION OF THE OUR NETWORK: To create positive change in South Africa
Vision: e – directory
To create a platform consisting of individuals, organisations and business who will encourage social awareness and development. By connecting with one another we can build respect and be accountable within our communities. This platform will give online convenience, communication exposure and e networking thus generating positive change in our South African Society.
Our Mission: To connect with like minded people who want to encourage and give hope to those who are less fortunate. To give back resources, time and invest positively in our communities and children through NEMO SA generated projects. E.g.:
Selling Advertising links on our Website Categories and Front Page
Sponsors / Donors
e - Competitions to raise funds.
Offering Educational and Business services to raise funds
Our cause is to create awareness for Npo and Ngo Organisations who are making a difference in South Africa and to help those who do not have the means to go online. NEMO SA was started on the 14th February 2010 by Marcel Jean Durler.
NEMO SA is looking for 100 business donors who will take a business link on our front page. The advertising link will cost R100 or R200 depending on the size of the logo and will link directly to the company website. The money raised from these links will be used to develop the vision of NEMO SA. or more information continue to page down and read...
Theme: ‘Together in Unity we make a difference’
Please feel free to Donate in order to grow NEMO SA.
NEMO SA Bank Acc: STANDARD BANK ACC: 273606883 CODE: 031110
Thank you for your Time and Consideration
Contact details: Marcel Durler 073 044 7650 or e mail .
our theme:
Unity is being in harmony or one in spirit.
The vision of Unity is to encourage all people of all denominations, nationalities, color and creeds to unite through agreement and respect. The time has come where we need to go back to basics and realize that we need to help one another, respect, love and encourage one another. The aim is to start an open discussion, campaign where we can respect one another’s opinions and suggestions toward gaining a consensus on building a road to Unity. We have designed a flag to represent our vision toward Unity. Community cannot be built without Unity and unity comes from agreement therefore we need to put aside greed, fear, power and ego and work toward this great challenge starting from Cape Town, South Africa and taking up the challenge globally via our internet site, and Once again please send comments via the details on our contact page.
The pictures designed for each category express a positive message in order to achieve our vision.
Business Category:
This category allows small, medium and corporate business to advertise giving exposure, having convenience and becoming part of a drive to empower people who don’t have the skills or opportunity to be online. Companies and individuals can adopt community projects that need exposure empower them to create a profile and help them get exposure online. Creating a directory entry/mini website in this catagory is free.
Education Category:
In Progress....
The Spiritual Leaders Network Category
This was a drive started by Captain Niemand of Kraaifontein Police Station, Edward Beeka and Marcel Durler who was striving to achieve peace and unity in the Kraaifontein, Bloukombos, Walacedene and surrounding communities. Marcel Durler attended meetings throughout 2010 together with meetings in Atlantis and Cape Town Surrounds connecting various projects that represented common ground to achieve peace, harmony and Unity. Various pastors and leaders from various denominations have been involved and this category on the NEMO SA platform allows for them to publish articles online and connect with one another aiming and creating Unity and Peace. We encourage Leaders and Junior Leaders to join NEMO SA and create profiles publishing articles of interest thus encouraging their congregations, community, family and friends to visit our site and become aware of our vision share articles that are making a difference to all of us. Creating a directory entry/mini website on this catagory is free.
Individuals Category
Individuals can join and create profiles publishing opinions, articles and other matters of interest on their own profile and share these with others. They can also help create awareness for our section 21 NPO Company and become part of our drive toward Unity and awareness. Bearing in mind the site is for the benefit of humans, animals and to empower underprivileged individuals and projects. An individual can adopt a disadvantaged person or project and publish or empower them by sponsoring a profile and putting them online thus giving them exposure. Creating a directory entry/ mini website in this catagroy is free.
Animals Category
This category gives individuals who love animals the opportunity to be part of the passion of giving exposure to animal organizations and projects otherwise not recognized. The individual can create a page on their own profile and publish and share their thinking. An individual or company can adopt a disadvantaged animal project and publish or empower them by sponsoring a profile and put them online through NEMO SA. The directory entry and mini website is free.

Social Awareness Category
NEMO SA will have their own registered section 21 NPO Company registered. This project will receive donations from funds generated by the site. The appointed board of trustees will distribute funds to various projects that are exposed on our site. School feeding programs, Soup Kitchens, Animal projects, sponsorship, projects for the aged and the needy will be considered. As the business directory and other categories grow so will the funding for our NPO and its vision. Corporate and other companies can adopt our NPO to distribute funding through our NPO. We will give exposure through our newsletter and events pages on our site. Creating a directory entry/mini website in this catagory is free.
Safety and Security Category
This category plays an important part part in our community and therefore we encourage security and related companies to join and publish articles that can help us build a better safer country. We would also encourage related projects like crime watch and other community projects to come online and be part of our vision. Also to share suggestions and articles of interest e.g. safety tips. Security Companies can also sponsor a profile for persons or projects that they feel can benefit by having a profile on our site. Creating a directory entry/mini website in the catagory is Free.
Sports Category
This category is to encourage sportsman and individuals who have a passion for sport to endorse and be part of our greater vision. They can share articles and publish hints and tips and stories on sport. This will be to encourage our youth coming up in the ranks and supporting the vision of community awareness through their God given talent. Individuals can sponsor underprivileged sports individuals who need exposure. This can be by sponsoring a profile for a person in need of exposure. Creating awareness of their talent and need for funding in their particular circumstance. This way giving exposure and creating awareness. Articles can be published in our newsletter and so can events. Creating a dirctory entry/mini website in this catagory is Free.
Soup Kitchens Category
My belief has always been that Soup provides a healthy balanced meal. We currently have a member of NEMO SA who runs a soup kitchen in Atlantis and this feeds approx 300 children. We need to expose these soup kitchens and encourage others to duplicate the success of existing formulas. Creating profiles for Soup Kitchens will create exposure and create awareness at the same time. People with means can adopt less privileged soup kitchens and create profiles and publish them online thus empowering them and allowing people to get to know what is going on in communities. Sharing this information can be very beneficial to the duplication of this need. Creating a directory entry/mini website in this catagory is Free.
School Feeding Programs Category
There are many of these programs existing but we have not had the opportunity to know about them. We currently have a member who is busy with schools in Atlantis and we never get to know about this. By publishing their programs online we can become aware of the greater good that is happening. This way we can encourage other schools to follow suite. More prominent schools can adopt less privileged schools and develop projects and suggestions on how to sustain and develop school feeding projects. Existing project leaders can publish valuable information on their profiles and this can be part of empowering other projects. Creating a directory entry/mini website in this catagroy is Free.
Unity Category
This message will be translated into all the languages of the World and it is the message that will be used when a person clicks onto the flag of the country.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, i will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. We need to respect the fact that God has put us in charge of animals and nature to be responsible and obedient.
If you look around you and you see how some people treat animals you begin to wonder where the responsibility has gone.
We need to go back to basics in Genisis 9 vs 16 This is our foundation scripture and Unity in Psalm 133.
University of Adversity
February 7
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”-(2 Cor. 4:8-10).
It's hard to find anyone in Christian history who became a great leader without earning an advanced degree at the University of Adversity. John Bunyan (1628-1688), the author of The Pilgrim's Progress, grew up in poverty and taught himself to read. As a young man, he struggled with feelings of not being forgiven by God and was tortured by visions of eternal punishment. His devout wife helped him to overcome his fear, but then, while she was still in her twenties, she died of a sudden illness. In his grief, Bunyan devoted himself to preaching. The English government, however, repeatedly imprisoned him for preaching without a license.
On one occasion, Bunyan was sentenced to three months in prison, but when he told the officials he intended to go on preaching, his sentence was extended to 12 years. John Bunyan experienced God's presence in a special way while he was in prison. In fact, it was in his cell that he penned his enduring classic, The Pilgrim's Progress. It's a book that could only have been written by a soul that was refined by the fires of adversity.
A. W. Tozer once wrote, "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply." God has a mission for your life and mine. But before we can carry out that mission, we will often go through the boot camp of adversity. If this is where you find yourself today, ask God to give you His grace to walk through this time with you. He promised He would never leave or forsake us.
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