- When the Observatory Assembly closed its doors on the 30 March 1990, Past WJ Odendaal with a few members of the
- Observatory Assembly officially opened the Blouberg AFM Assembly on the 1 April 1990.
- The assembly held their services in the following venues:
- ~ Van Riebeeck Primary School Melkbos(Morning) 1990-Nov 1992
- ~ venues – Blouberg Library Hall (Evenings) 1990 – 21 March 2004
1. Pastor WJ Odendaal & Sylvia (1/04/90 – 31/12/93)
2. Pastor P Strydom & Hester (1/02/93 – 30/11/97)
3. Pastor Zelda Coetzee (1/02/93 – 30/03/96)
4. Pastor Robert Johnson ( 1/02/98 – 31/12/99)
- Already in 30/08/92 the assembly approved the purchase of erf 10224 to the value of R123-000,00
- The Deed of Transfer of erf 10224 took place on the 5/08/99 and the church board received the documents in April 2000.
- Originally registered and starting out as on English assembly, the assembly is now 70% Afrikaans and 30% English and the———–services are conducted in both languages.
- The Deed of sale stated that if the assembly did not erect a place of worship or part thereof before a period of 4 years had
- expired then the municipality reserved the right to expropriate the land i.e.(04/08/2003)
- In March 2003 the Lord gave Brad Espin a dream showing an investor coming to him with an offering to provide the finances to——-build the church with the condition to build immediately.
- Brad shared this dream with the assembly at the Good Friday service conducted in his home, (83 Augusta Road, Augusta Place —–Sunningdale) because the Bloubergstrand Library Hall was not available to conduct a service.
- This dream generated new enthusiasm among the members and whilst on leave in Jul 2003 Brad had to return to finalize the ———building plans because construction commenced in August 2003 on erf 10224.
- The assembly held its final thanksgiving service in the Bloubergstrand Library Hall on the 21/03/2004, a venue that had been
- used since 1990(14 years).
- The assembly held its first service in the new church on the 28/03/2004 and has since experienced the favour and grace of our ——Lord Jesus Christ.
- God gave Brad the words ‘Reach out’ in the year 2000
- In 2007 Blouberg assembly officially launched its vision and new name – AFM Blouberg Ekteino Assembly. The greek word -
–‘Ekteino’ means to reach out or stretch forward and in Matt 14:31 Jesus reached out and caught hold of Peters hand who was ——–sinking.
- Reach out and impart the communities spiritual, emotional and physical needs in accordance with the Word of God
- The Community does not exist for the needs of the church, but the church exists to serve the needs of the community